Early registration extended To align with Deped we have extended early registration until 9 June 2023. Early payment discount is extended to the same date. Head over to our enquiry page and complete the form to take advantage. SuperUser Account 2023-05-29 1 0
Explanation of instalment billing dates Due date for each instalment on school fees SuperUser Account 2023-05-06 15 0
Survey results Of the 33 parents with children in school (all of whom received a direct email link to the survey) 27 recorded their preference on how we should proceed for the remainder of the school year. SuperUser Account 2022-10-26 3 0
School break School will close after class on Friday 28th October and re-open for classes in the morning of Wednesday 3rd November. Enjoy the break! SuperUser Account 2022-10-22 0 0
Class schedules August to end October An excel file showing class and subject times from August to end October, A new schedule will be announced prior to November change to five day face to face classes. SuperUser Account 2022-08-23 27 0
Sundries costs finalised Pricing for required notebook, diaries, school and pe uniforms (uniform will be required for full time face-to-face classes). SuperUser Account 2022-07-24 5 0
Fee table updated to show book costs Fee table on the home page now has a column to show books cost. SuperUser Account 2022-07-24 0 0
Reserve your child's place Complete our enquiry/registration form here to reserve your child's place for 2022 - 2023. When we reach our class numbers limit, we will contact those who registered before accepting new students. SuperUser Account 2022-07-21 0 0
Summer class schedule - July 18 2022 to August 16 2022 Timing of summer classes 2022 SuperUser Account 2022-07-16 1 0