Loyalty discount

Introduced at the start of the pandemic to recognise students who stayed with the school in difficult times we have offered a special discount on tuition* for students who stay with us. For 2025/2026 this will remain at 10% off full year tuition fee for full payment. 13% off first payment only for quarterly and 15% off the reduced first payment only for monthly payment basis. Miscellaneous, books and installments are not discounted.

Early payment discount - 5% of tuition fees

Pay full year fees for the forthcoming school year before 11 April 2025 and receive additional 5% discount on tuition fees. Applies to existing students, new students and returnees from 2019 or earlier years, who have no outstanding balance*.

*You can avail this discount IF you clear your outstanding balance before enrolling for the new year.

Referral discount - 10% per referral up to 100% of tuition fees

Earn up to a full 100% discount on your child's annual tuition fees when you refer new students to the school.

You will receive 5% discount on the current year tuition fees when the referred student enrols and a further 5% on the following year annual tuition fees for your child for each new student you formally refer to the school subject to the following conditions:

To receive the first 5% credit on current year's tuition fee

  • IMPORTANT Your referral must be formally recorded - send an advance letter of introduction to the school, tell us about the referred student in a message from our FB page  - or email the referred student name and class to admin@pillarsofgodacademy.org.ph. You will be credited when the new student first payment is received in our bank.
  • Referred Student must be a new student and not a returning former student, nor a sibling of an existing student and must NOT be already registered as an enquiry with the school.

To get the remaining 5% referral discount credited to the following school year tuition fee

  • The new student must remain enrolled for the full school year and be fully paid up to date before the final exams.
  • If your child's payments are in arrears, the awarded discount will be reduced by 1% per referral for each month of your arrears. (i.e. one month arrears 4% referral discount, two months 3% referral discount etc)
  • If your child is currently a grade six student you will receive the second portion of referral discount as a partial refund on your child's tuition fees for the current year, paid at the end of the school year.

Sibling discount - 5% of tuition fees 2nd and 3rd concurrent siblings

Sibling discounts are available to students who have an older sibling currently attending the school. No discount is available for the oldest enrolled student from the family. 

Discount on tuition fees for the second and third student from the family to join the school concurrently will be applied at a rate of 5% (five percent).  Note: This discount is applied in the same way as Loyalty discount. Full discount on full payment. Those on terms receive 5% discount to the first payment only.

If you have more than three students in school at the same time, please submit a request for special consideration to the school Board through the school office.

Honor student discount - 8%, 6%, 4% based on ranking

Students who earn full-year Honors in any Grade will be allocated a discount for the following academic year tuition fees.

8% for First Honors

6% for Second Honors

4% for Third Honors

New students who have an Honors certificate from their previous school will be afforded the same discount.